Quinta ShangriLa Lda, Aldeia Do Cano Caixa Postal 759, Cercal Alentejo, 7555-012 Cercal Do Alentejo, Portugal

Summer Solstice 2024

The 2024 summer solstice occurs on Thursday 20 June. It marks the longest day of the year and holds special significance for life off the grid at Quinta Shangrila. Nestled in nature, far from urban distractions, this day epitomizes the harmony between human life and the natural world. The extended daylight not only provides more hours for tending to the garden, harvesting fresh produce, and completing essential outdoor tasks, but it also reinforces our connection to the Earth’s rhythms.

At Quinta Shangrila, the summer solstice is a time of celebration and reflection. It’s an opportunity to honour the sun’s vital role in sustaining life and powering our off-grid systems. Solar panels work at peak efficiency, maximizing energy storage for future use. This abundance of natural energy supports a sustainable lifestyle, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering our environmental footprint.

The solstice also brings a sense of community. Friends and family gather to share meals made from garden-fresh ingredients, bask in the warmth of the sun, and partake in traditions that celebrate nature’s bounty. The summer solstice at Quinta Shangrila is more than just an astronomical event; it’s a reaffirmation of our commitment to living in balance with the Earth, embracing simplicity, and fostering a deep appreciation for the natural cycles that sustain us.

1 Comment

  • Farmer Bob August 29, 2024 1:30 pm

    It’s amazing how quickly the months pass by in the countryside.
    With many seasonal tasks to attend to, country life is both engaging and satisfying.
    Living as close as possible to nature is heart warming and rewarding.
    No matter when you check the global news, the misery and anguish is always the same.
    Better for individual well-being to remember and enjoy the fundamental connection with the enduring cycle of nature.

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